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                    In previous post, we look out the mystical event which represent the beauty on upper sea and Today i show off  you that the beauty of lower sea by the colourful kingdom which located on Australia . Continue your reading to know about the colour splash corner as a geologist.

                    Underwater world also has the minimal features of the upper world. Corals are nothing different from the plants like flower animals. The Great barrier reef holds the lots of corals in it. The geologic formation of the great barrier reef is long and complex . Coral reefs began forming in the region about between 58 and 48 million years ago when the coral sea basin formed. The great barrier reef extends in roughly a northwest-southeast direction for more than 1250 miles (2000 km), at an offshore distance ranging from 10-200 miles (16-160 km), and has an area of some 1,35,000 square miles (3,50,000 square km). The great barrier reef actually consists of some 2100 individual reefs. Many are dry or rarely wet at low tide. The tiny creatures known as coral polyps and hydro corals, while the "cement" that binds these remains and formed in large part by coralline algae and bryozoans.
