Welcome viewers,

                There is a proverb which said that the music is everywhere and on everything. I hope that if you also be a addict of music like me you will really be surprised by this blog. Continue your reading to know about the musical instrument which is the gift of nature.


               The Ringing Rock of Pennsylvania is a geological wonder of the world. Most of the time, when you hit a rock, it produces a loud thud noise. But in one mysterious place in Pennsylvania, The Rock don't thud, They Ring because they sound distinctively Bell-like when hit with a hammer. Although scientists don't have a definitive answer as to why the rocks ring, They do have a name for ringing rocks. They are called with Sonorous rocks. These boulder field in Pennsylvania and central new jersey formed from a group of Diabase sills in Newark basin.
               The sills where formed when stretching of the Earth's crust allowed mafic magma to travel up from the upper mantle inject into the sedimentary basin 200 million years ago. The basal olivine unit is similar to the one found in the palisades sill in New Jersey and New York. The olivine diabase unit is significantly harder, denser and more resistant to weathering then the upper portions of diabase sill. Diabase which is found wide areas, And the thin olivine diabase unit found at the base of the sills which actually produces the ringing rock boulder fields.    

               Our Tamilnadu also has this type of wonder which is the 2500 year old "Rock music" Rings in Krishnagiri, Chennai.

